Tim King – Regional Vice President of North America
Tim is the FGBMFI Regional VP of North America and the Caribbean.
Tim grew up in a ministers home in North Carolina, and received Christ at an early age. During his High School years, he knew there was something missing in the Church as a whole. He read about the early Christians who were sold out to Christ and would lay down their life for the cause. In College, he met and married Clara Frazier and soon began a career in the Finance and Mortgage Industry.
In 1973 he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and this would change his life. Working in the Finance business, his company transferred him and his family to 6 different locations in TN, NV, LA and OK. In 1980 he attended a Full Gospel Chapter meeting in Enid, Oklahoma and was soon elected President. There he saw many people saved, healed and delivered.
In 1985 Tim started American Mortgage in Shreveport, LA. After moving to Birmingham, AL his company grew to 22 branches in 10 states, with over 100 employees. In 1998 NAMB chose him as the “Mortgage Broker of the Year” for the Eastern USA. While in Birmingham, AL he lobbied in Washington, DC on behalf of the Mortgage Industry, getting to know Presidents, Governors, Senators and Congressmen.
While in Birmingham, AL Tim met Steve Kabachia from Kenya, Africa. After spending two weeks with Kabachia on a successful Missionary trip to Kenya and Tanzania, they founded “Jesus Harvesters Ministry.” Through the years JHM has grown to 155 Churches located in Kenya and Tanzania, Africa.
In 2000, he moved his family to Phoenix, AZ. Then President Richard Shakarian asked him to start and Executive Chapter in Phoenix, AZ. This Chapter grew rapidly and has had many successful meetings with up to 400 in attendance. In 2019, he became the Director of Supernatural Ministries for FGBMFI-USA. In February 2023, newly elected International President, Frances Owes from Ghana, asked Tim to be the RVP of North America for FGBMFI.
Tim is also the publisher of the “Happiest People on Earth” book, the story of Demos Shakarian and the founding of the FGBMFI in 1952.
Tim has been married to Clara for over 50 years. They have 4 Children, 12 Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandsons.
Jim Gosnell – President
Jim is a professional commodities and stock trader. Jim also is a licensed CPA in the state of Arizona, and worked for many years as an accountant for credit unions. He also received his MBA from the University of North Carolina - Greensboro.
He has been involved with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) since the 1980’s. He is the author of the book Fasting - God’s Pathway to Miracles. He completed a 40 day water only fast from March - April 2022. Jim is eager to see the Kingdom of God grow through the FGBMFI.
Howard Sweatte – Vice President
Howard Sweatte is an architect licensed in Arizona. Howard and his wife Patricia moved from Southern California to Scottsdale, Arizona in 2017. They are both active in the Greater Phoenix Executive Chapter of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, as well as their church and church groups.
Patricia is a graphic designer and artist, with a background in business and interior design. Patricia is the Social Media Marketing Manager for the Chapter. Howard and Patricia share a blended family of four adult children, and one step-daughter.
Norman Cheever – Arizona Director of FGBMFI
Norm Cheever is the Arizona Director of FGBMFI, and the FGBMFI National Director for God Mobile Ministries. He is a talented musician, and the music minister for the Phoenix chapter. Norm is also the president of the Scottsdale, Arizona chapter of FGBMFI.
Norm is a former Music Director and English teacher, and a talented artist. He has been married to Sandy for 27 years. They have two daughters and six grandchildren. Both Norm and Sandy are active in the FGBMFI chapters and their church and church activities.